Liieda Sales and Inventory Management Software


Multi Warehouses
You can manage multiple warehouses or branches.
Unlimited Users
You can register & manage unlimited number of users .
Purchases & Sales report
You get real-time purchase & sales reports at different time and date.
Inventory Management
List & control stocks in multiple warehouse with accurate data.
Returns Customer & SupplierQuotations , Sales , PurchasesCurrency , Units , Category , Backup

Overview & warehouse stock charts & its Multilingual

Its enables you to manage inventory, sales, purchases, customers, invoices, receiving payments, and more. It will also allow you to make purchases and sales from anywhere, anytime. Whether you run a small business or a large company It’s the solution you need to manage inventory, purchases and sales – all in one app..

in Android Appin Windows AppTailored to your business

Its supports all Devices

Liieda Sales & Inventory management systems have features that help manage, control, track and plan inventory. Its supports Easy POS and Dynamic dashboard and work on Mobile phones, Tablets, and Computers

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